

The InteRisk Group

The InteRisk Group

The InteRisk Group – Always “Best in Class”

We pride ourselves on providing customised practical & strategic solutions to all our clients.  

With our multi solution platforms The InteRisk Group go that one step closer in helping our clientele succeed. 

InteRisk – Always “Best in Class”

Our vision is in continuous improvement to forge a safe, efficient and risk assured future.

At The InteRisk Group we are not an average risk consultant, we provide tailored platforms to enhance and support our clienteles Risk Management, Compliance, Inspection and Reporting requirements. We provide independent management system certifications, and work actively as an internal part of your organisation.  

With our industry experts we enable your organisation to maximise efficiency and reduce risk within your facilities, environment and properties through collaboration and consultation. 

Australian Rescue

With over 20 years of experience in Rescue and Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery, Australian Rescue is a global industry leader. Our services have no limitations from Fire, Rescue, Property Emergency & Evacuation, Explosive and Blast Technicians, White Water, Caving and Mountaineering. We provide our clientele tailored training that challenges our participants within a positive environment


At ComplyNet, we believe we are the only property focused JAS-ANZ endorsed accreditation organisation within the market. Our focus is in ensuring that our clients build confidence, improve performance and challenge complacency throughout our certification process. ISO Certification will benefit your business by highlighting competence, credibility, independent and impartial certification of your Management Systems.


At InteRisk we are not your average risk, safety, security, emergency, or environment consultants, we operate as a part of our client’s organisation, not as an external consultant. Our strength is in our ability to thoroughly assess the issues; understand the needs of our client and make recommendations that are applicable, proportionate and client specific. Contact us today manage your risk, assets, and compliance.

Tech Platform

Our Tech Platforms dynamically manage your risk, compliance, incidents, health, and safety in real time, in one place. Our software is designed and tailored to each of our clientele, with usability and accessibility on multiple devices including mobile and tablet. The workflow capabilities provide automatic notifications and email alerts based on your business rules and processes to ensure your whole organisation is engage and consistent.

Contact us

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9